You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.10. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > 1.10.2. Maintenance - Edit Company > Edit Company - Edit - General Ledger Config > Edit - General Ledger Config - Distribution Interface > Configuring T Accounts > Sales Desk
Sales Desk

The Sales Desk group of fields on the Config T Accounts screen allows you to flag sales and Cost of Sales transactions with additional information so you can extract sub-sets of the data for GL reports.

To complete the Sales Desk fields:

  1. Open the Config T Accounts screen.

Refer to "Configuring T Accounts".

Micronet displays the Sales Desk fields.

  1. Complete the following fields:





T1 Account

Select the primary flag for sales transactions. This relates to data in the transaction header file (e.g. the invoice header). Options are:

  • None - use the T1 account set on the GL interface record in the GL Interface master file (refer to "Edit - Sales")
  • Debtor - use the T1 account set on the Debtor master file (refer to the GL Interface field under "File - Debtor - Debtor")
  • Warehouse - use the T1 account set on the Warehouse master file (refer to the GL Interface field under "File - Warehouse - Warehouse")
  • Sales Territory - use the T1 account set on the Sales Territory master file (refer to the GL Interface field under "Adding a New Sales Territory").


T2, T3, T4, T5 Account

Select any secondary and further flags for sales transactions. This relates to data in the transaction line files (e.g. the invoice lines). A T2 account is mandatory; T3-T4 accounts are optional. Options are:

  • None - use the T2 account set on the GL interface in the GL Interface master file (refer to "Edit - Sales")
  • Item - use the T2 account set on the Item master file (refer to the GL Interface field under "File - Inventory - Item")
  • Warehouse - use the T2 account set on the Warehouse master file (refer to the GL Interface field under "File - Warehouse - Warehouse")
  • Category - use the T2 account set on the Product Category master file (refer to the GL Interface field under "File - Product Category - Category")
  • Ask at Runtime - allow users to select a T2 account during transaction entry, giving them discretion as to how transactions are flagged
  • Ask when Line Type - allow users to select a T2 account during transaction entry when they change the line type on an invoice. (For more information about line types, refer to "File - Invoice Type".)



Technical Tip

2.8 Feature

If you select Warehouse in fields T2 to T5, Micronet checks the T account for the warehouse set on the transaction header, not the transaction lines. This is because the warehouse on the header is the warehouse that owns the entire transaction.

  1. Complete the remaining fields on the Config T Accounts screen.